
OPEN TODAY 10:00 AM TO 7:00 PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Back 2 School Bash

Host: Sangertown Square

Date: August 24, 2019

Back2SchoolBash Eblast

Sangertown Square’s Back 2 School Bash is August 24th from 11am – 2pm. Find fun activities, great promotions, the latest fashions, and more. The newest school fashions will be highlighted during a fashion show in Center Court at 1pm. The Oneida County Sheriff’s will be at Boscov’s for Child Safety IDs.  Plus, think of others while you shop for school and donate school supplies to Safe Schools Mohawk Valley.

Safe Schools Mohawk Valley a local not for profit organization that works with at-risk youth to keep them in school will be in attendance promoting its services to local school. Sangertown Square will be collecting school supplies during the Back 2 School Bash. The donations will be given to Safe Schools Mohawk Valley at the end of the event. For a list of school supplies click here.

Participating in the Fashion Show:

  • F21Red
  • Foot Locker
  • francesca’s
  • Harlem Vibes
  • Justice