
OPEN TODAY 11:00 AM TO 5:00 PM

Regular Hours

  • Monday - Thursday10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Sunday11:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Women Laying on the Ground

Ways to Keep Cool this Summer

Summer is here and so are the heatwaves! It can be hard to stay cool and comfortable when it’s hot and humid here in the Mohawk Valley, but I have some suggestions that can help!


1. Swimming

Pool Toys

Swimming is a great way to stay active and cool during the summer months. Target has a variety of water toys for you to enjoy in the pool or lake this summer.


2. Shade

Pop-up Tent

Looking to enjoy the fresh summer air but can’t take the heat? Find some shade to help keep the sun off of you. Enjoy the shade of a tree in your yard or pick up an pop-up tent from Dick’s Sporting Goods and setup your summer activity in the shade.


3. Light-weight Clothing


When it’s hot and humid clothes that stick to your skin are the worst. That’s why I suggest picking up some light-weight or breathable clothing to wear. A flowing halter sundress from Earthbound Trading would be comfortable during the high temperatures.


4. Footwear


Did you know that your feel help control your body’s temperature? That’s why I recommend a comfortable pair of sandals during the summer months. Not only are they stylish but they are practical for helping to keep you cool and comfortable in the summer heat. You can find a great sandal selection for the whole family at Famous Footwear.


5. Refreshing Treats

Acia Bowl

When it’s hot out, cooking is not something most want to do, but eating is a necessity. Keep your meals light and refreshing. A simple acai bowl from The Smoothie Bar is not only filling but cool and refreshing at the same time.


Now that our first heatwave of the summer has past, get ready for the next using some of the tips above. I’m sure there will be more hot and humid days as the summer goes on. Remember, shopping in Sangertown Square’s always 72 degree temperature can also be a fun way to stay cool and comfortable this summer!